Chinese New Year is coming soon,and me not yet buy any new clothes.hmm,can i just wear anything in my closet now since my relative seldom/never meet me,hence anything could be a NEW clothes for them also,hahaha.
Went to One-U just now.i'm so wanted to buy a new dress,which better in shinny colour,like red?I entered the fitting room thousand times and tried numerous tops and dress,but i still get nothing.i was almost crazy so change my mind to have dinner 1st then only con't my hunting.
Finally i can have something new and fresh.i've tried Fish&Co,since i never been there.I know Fish&Co when i visited to Singapore and there's only available in One-U and Gurney Plaza,Penang in Malaysia.sound so bad.I'm so in love with fish and chip recently with unknown reason again.
(?)Soup of the day.
This is both of the naughty drinks.they are playing kissing,XD
very nice designed tissue paper.haha
i kept one in my bag and brought it home.
I love their word font,you know.
My new york cheese fish chips:)
The normal fish and chip
Once you bill,they gave us this mint candy;)
Oh,i bought the rejected candy from sticky again.this time i bought lemon flavour and it is in hunge size.rm5 can cause me diabetes soon!
This the best thing i had!i saw this in Sunway Pyramid on last Saturday and it's on 50% discount.unfortunately,the mini size 5 can't satisfied my big foot.haha.but so surprisingly i found this in Hush Puppies here,and all the size are available!me like flying on the sky so happy.having a comfortable shoes is very important,you know!!yea!!
Today is a great day and it'll be better if no more paed class!

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