Haha,scary photo for you at midnight~
Initially i wanna hide in my room to study,since i'm not really put effort for this bones subject.and so accidentally i feel like on my lappie and surf net.and so another accidentally i'm doing mask and i capture a photo for myself!haha!forgive me that i'm so errrr.XD.
i have to pamper myself with delicious meal tmrw since i'm so stress.i'm facing 6 exams in this March.actually i don't mind to sit in the exam hall but why all the exams don't finish in few days time like how we do in summative.haih.after i finish my Orthopedic tmrw,i have to suffer till Friday and sit for my Community Healh Nursing.and then the Urology is waving hand to me on next monday again.ish.
My bu-tt is so impatient to stay in hostel anymore.i need someone bring me out for fresh air to energize me.;)
oh ya,if YOU are reading this.(i think most probably no,hee).i have to tell you I'm a Tao-ist/maybe Buddhist,of course i'm never discriminate other people's religion and i understand your job and purpose.It's just because i'm not really interest with it.and your visit is causing a big disturbance to me and my friends.hmm..and i pray to my dua pek gong or guang ying ma i'll not meet you anymore.
Fine.i have to con't my night with fracture bones and how to be a good nurse now.
Good night,readers!I love you.:)

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